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Anti-CD4 [CD4R1]

Product Type: Cell-Depleting Antibodies
Format: Anti-CD4, CD4R1 (OKT4A), rhesusized variable region, rhesus IgG
Clone ID: [CD4R1]
RRID: AB_2716322
Common Names: Anti-CD4 [CD4R1] | Depleting anti-CD4 (rhesus recombinant) | OKT4A | PR-0407 | NHP11 | NHP00066 | CLD04 | aCD4_OKT4A_rz_G1k_mamu | CAT-00152
Target: CD4
Reactivity: Human (Homo sapiens) Rhesus Macaque (Macaca mulatta)
Applications: in vivo in vivo; depletion

CD4R1: Rhesus recombinant, CDR-grafted anti-CD4 IgG1-kappa antibody. Derived from OKT4A.

Modifications: None
Restrictions: No
Sponsor: ORIP
How to cite (Methods): Anti-CD4 [CD4R1] (NHPRR Cat#PR-0407, RRID:AB_2716322)
How to cite (Acknowledgments): The Anti-CD4 [CD4R1] antibody (Cat#PR-0407, RRID:AB_2716322) used in this study was provided by the Nonhuman Primate Reagent Resource (NHPRR, RRID:SCR_012986), funded by ORIP P40 OD028116.

Reagent cost, which is the actual cost of production, is recovered for some reagents. Please inquire if you have questions about reagent cost recovery. Purchase order or credit card is NOW REQUIRED for cost-recovered reagents.

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